Friday, 27 May 2011

The beginning of a new Southern Journey.

They say good things always come to an end, but I believe that the end is just the beginning of a new journey. Shifting to Delhi (for a year I stayed n NOIDA) three years back was the best thing ever happened to me in the past. I relish all my memories which I have stacked up over the years, be it making new friends, visiting myriad eating joints in the past couple of weeks and of course the metro journeys. The city has given me a new life if I had to put it down. Mumbai, I felt was very dismal, and by the time I returned back to delhi, I was certain of not going back to the city because somehow I never felt related to the city, unlike the way Delhi attracted me. And now after, three glorious years Hyderabad beckons me and this time I start afresh with a job at Deloitte. 

I am quite lazy when it comes down to writing, be it exams, essays, or even blogs, but today before I leave Delhi, I decided to kick-off my own blog-spot something I wish to remember as a departing gift to this city (:D). Being a very outspoken person I decided to convert my views into black and white, sigh finally. I promise to keep the blog a simple one to read for all my friends, and one of a kind.

Just when I was about to return from lucknow, I was told about the excellent weather in Delhi, which I regret missing out, but today is no different with a cool weather. I am happy that I would be leaving delhi on a rather cool note :). 

Right now, I sign off, but I give my word to be back, and rather become an active blogger in the coming days. Also, soon I would be sharing my experiences in Hyderabad..!!



  1. Well written Richa! Ispires me to do the same. i hope I will overcome my procastination and pen down something in near future

  2. Dear redapplecheeks,
    welcome to the world of blogging, i shall eagerly look forward to your posts and all the best for your journey...

  3. what an AUNTY's point of view.... :P
